Mission Statement

In classical sacrifices, the people get the good bits, and the gods get the refuse, the bits that would get thrown out otherwise.

Not our God. Leviticus (particularly Leviticus 3) describes the sacrifices that our LORD demanded from His people of Israel. God gets the kidneys, the tail, and all the fat. He gets the prime steak, He gets the best.

Today we do not literally give sacrifices of animals. For us the ultimate sacrifice has been made through our Lord, Christ Jesus. But should always be our ambition to do the same thing - to offer God the best of what we have, to offer Him the fat, and not the smoke and bones.

Monday 22 August 2011

John 20

Jesus said to them again, “Peace be with you. As the Father has sent me, even so I am sending you.” (verse 21)

Jesus was sent to redeem mankind from its sins. We are sent to tell the world of that redemption. What’s more, we are sent in much the same way:
- Leaving comfort and family
- Experiencing sorrows and hardships
- Facing unbelief amongst those you came to minister to
- Doing things ‘beneath your dignity’
- Experiencing true joy along the way

Christianity is a missionary religion. The point is not staying in our little holy huddle (as many other religions, such as Judaism, do) not forcing others to convert via the sword (as Islam is famous for) or even to add Jesus to all the other ‘gods’ that a people group already worship (like Hinduism and most “New Age” religions). No! The point is that we go out and preach the Word, and God will use it to transform the hearts of some of its hearers so that they will turn to God and make Jesus the Lord over all their life. Christianity is not a hereditary religion – you aren’t a Christian because your parents are (though good parents will do all they can to nurture their children in the faith). Christianity is a religion that seeks to save the lost. And it is for that purpose that we are sent.

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