At devotions I asked Lisa when I would have a chance to change my money. She told me she would arrange something, and then a short time later told me that I could go into Kampala with Unia at 10:30. So I went to Baby class (this time with my camera) until break, and then dashed back to my room to get all my money to change. The bad news is I cannot find $50. But even so, I will have heaps I think.
We caught 2 taxis into Kampala. A taxi is more like a bus in Australia; as many as can fit in catch it, getting off along the way.
A taxi
Before going to the bank we went to pay a parking fine. We walked through crazy traffic, with Unia grabbing my hand whenever we had to cross so that I wouldn’t get mown down by the cars.
We changed my money, and boy, I have never felt so rich! My money stack is huge! (I’ve taken photos!) Then we bought a Luganda Bible (EkitabooEkitkuvu). It cost 37,000 shillings ($14.80). We then got on the taxi by the market. While we were waiting heaps of people came by the sell us things. I bought a bottle of water for 1000 shillings. Unia got him down to 700 shillings, but he then pretended that he didn’t have change. I said it was fine. 1000 shillings is equivalent to 40 cents.
I got back to the compound at 1:35, thinking that that was just enough time to eat and go to school. Lisa told me that I didn’t need to, but I didn’t come here to hang around the compound. I went to our house, only to find that the house was locked! I ran back to the office, waited while they found the keys, then ran back and opened the door, struggling with the bolts which I had to open through the hole in the door. Then I dashed around, hiding my money and camera, grabbing my stuff, and eating a bowl of cold old fried rice. Then I ran out and walked to the primary school.
Amina wasn’t there, so Justine, the principal, asked me which students I wanted to see. I said Gideon and Esther, and worked with them. Esther is improving – she mostly lacks confidence. Then Amina arrived, but took sport outside, so she told me which child to work with – a boy called Gasper (pronounced Jasper but with a G, not Gasp-er). Amina and I walked back together. Her baby and husband are both sick with malaria.
Me and Esther
After school I got to supervise some of the P6’s rehearsing a dance, as Lisa had a meeting. They were all really good, with a girl called Sarah being a real performer, if not the best dancer in the group.
Then I was finished for the day, so I went back home and wrote this entry, stopping for dinner, until now.
On Friday I have been invited to take part in LOT, their Youth Group (standing for Leaders of Tomorrow), from 4:30-6:30, which will be exciting. Hopefully I will be able to go shopping on Saturday, because there is no school or anything, and I will go crazy with nothing to do. I finally understand why people don’t want to be SAHW/SAHMs, though at home there is always so much to do (and you know all the different places to go). Here even the cooking, cleaning, shopping and washing are done for me, and I have less and less to read each day. I need to buy another book before going to the airport. But at least I will be able to sleep on the plane.